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Book Blogger of the Month: Polo Lonergan

The Book Blogger of the Month for March is Polo Lonergan! 

Polo has quickly become one of my favorite people on the bookternet. And when you check them out at, you'll see why. 

Mandy Shunnarah: What got you started blogging? 

Polo Lonergan: I used to blog about knitting but no longer have that ability, but blogging is a great way to share passion with others so I moved to book blogging instead.

MS: How often do you post? (audience size and pageviews don't matter to me, but I probably won't feature folks who don't post at least once a month)

PL: At least once a week. I've just started, so it'll probably be more once I settle in.

MS: If you were shipwrecked on a desert island and could only read 5 books for the rest of your life, what would they be?

PL: 1. Lord of the Rings
2. Jane Eyre.
3. Hild by Nicola Griffith
4, The Complete Works of e. e. cummings
5. A book on surviving on a desert island ;)

MS: Does your blog have a theme? 

PL: I focus on queer literature and Canadian literature, and general diversity/#ownvoices works. However, I will write about any book alongside that.

MS: How are you most comfortable reading? 

PL: In my recliner with a cat and a cup of tea.

MS: What's your favorite indie bookstore? 

PL: I don't have one! I highly recommend British charity shops for second-hand book perusal, though.

MS: What's the biggest issue you see in the book world today and what do you hope to see change?

PL: Continued snobbery about class issues. We're increasingly aware of other issues, but class isn't as heavily discussed. I would love to see more attention paid to people from lower class backgrounds who write, and more emphasis on giving them the tools to do so. I'm aware this is more of an issue from my UK past rather than my Canadian existence. 

MS: How does blogging about books enhance the reading experience?

PL: It makes you more aware of what you're reading.

MS: Have you ever met an author who left an impression on you? What was that like?

PL: I once met an author at a writing workshop. I honestly didn't like his style much so I won't say who it was, but he gave me the confidence to keep trying even when I thought I didn't have the skill. He made me realise having the desire and the drive to write is what matters, and the skill can come in time.

MS: What's a bookish thing you think everyone should know about? 

PL: Book angels! They're a thing you wear on your thumb that holds the page open.

MS: Besides your blog, where can we find you on the internet? (Feel free to post links to your social channels where you don't mind people following you)

PL: I'm @PoloLonergan on Twitter and Instagram.

Got a book blog and want to be featured as a Book Blogger of the Month? You can!