Hi Teachers and Librarians!

Hi Teachers and Librarians!

[image description: a curved shelf with a variety of library books overlooking a balcony.]

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed a lot of librarians and teachers signing up for my newsletter list, so hello! I’m thrilled you’re here and that you found Off the Beaten Shelf. Teachers and librarians have impacted my life in countless invaluable ways, so thank you for the important, necessary work you’re doing.

I’d also love to learn more about you and the populations you serve so I can better serve you through my content. I read ~150 books a year, but I don’t blog about every single one. But, for example, if I knew that a lot of the teachers following me taught high school and wanted to encourage their kids to read more, I could blog more about YA novels. Or if I knew that a lot of the librarians following me were looking for ways to engage their adult populations, I could blog more about the popular adult books I read.

All that to say, please introduce yourselves! I’d love to meet you and learn more about you. Let me know what you’d like to see and how I can support you.

Feel free to leave comments on this post or reply of any of my emails if you want to keep things more anonymous.



Literary Tourism: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Literary Tourism: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Two Announcements!

Two Announcements!