A few important notes:
Read the full manifesto and why I’m doing this HERE.
This list is updated to the best of my ability. I’m only one person and may miss updates about opportunities that later decide to pay (which I very much hope is the case!), so if you know of any updates you’re encouraged to write helloAToffthebeatenshelfDOTcom.
If you know of people, places, and publications that seek to exploit the creative labor of writers for no pay and would like to add them to this list, email helloAToffthebeatenshelfDOTcom. Your name and identifying info will be redacted, but that of the exploiter will be public so others can avoid exploitation.
Any writers who choose to submit to, volunteer for, and/or work with publications on this list, rock on. My goal isn’t to discourage you from opportunities, but rather help you understand the opportunities you’re getting into with eyes wide open regarding financial compensation.
One can only be sued for slander or libel if the allegations can be proven untrue and malicious. That’s why I’ve provided screenshots for all claims of exploitation on this list.
My goal is not to arbitrarily blast these outlets, but to support writers, ensure writers are being paid well for their expertise, and demand better of the industry I love and which I’ve devoted my life’s work to. I don’t want to see anyone torn down without them rebuilding better and more ethically and morally competent than they were before.