I've been to enough writing conferences and events to know there's always a collective groan when the instructor says you should be networking with other writers. We're a shy lot. We didn't get MFAs to "make connections." We want our writing to stand on its own merit.
But here's the thing...
Networking can help writers learn about new magazines, find writing partners, hear about writing and editing jobs, and other things that can boost our careers.
The problem is that writing is inherently a solitary activity and most networking events weren't made with the majority of writers in mind.
Other networking events don't try to accommodate socially awkward people and introverts. At Writers Who Hate Networking, we believe your shyness is an asset to your work so this event is to help you form genuine connections with other writers in a way that feels natural.
Writing is a competitive industry and every leg up can make a difference. Created by introverts for introverts, this is our way of leveling the playing field.
You don't have to prepare a list of questions or worry about blanking as you're talking to someone. And you don't have to worry about not sounding interesting enough.
These talking point cards will be spread around the room on every table and they're designed to help you get past the small talk and get into why you're here: your writing.
And unlike other networking events, there's no need to bring business cards. There will be paper and pens on each table so you can snag someone's contact info and share yours if and when you want to.
This isn't a shark tank, so we're not going to toss you into a room and expect you to find your people on sight.
When you sign up, you'll be asked what genres you write in and you'll be paired with other folks who write in those genres too.
There'll be food because you need something to do with your hands.
And if you're chewing, that's a good way to fill what might otherwise be an awkward silence.
And if you're looking at your food as you eat, you can break eye contact more often and it's totally fine.
See, we thought of everything.