Midwest Shreds book launch updates!

Midwest Shreds book launch updates!

Thank you so much to everyone who came to my book launch! Y’all packed Two Dollar Radio HQ to the point there was standing-room only and I’m so grateful. It was the best night of my life!

[image description: My book launch for Midwest Shreds: Skating Through America’s Heartland. The author, Mandy Shunnarah, a white person with short brown hair wearing a yellow short-sleeved shirt, is crouched down in the front of the room holding a microphone and the audience is in the background. The bookstore is packed and there’s standing-room only in the back.]

Since then, I’ve been doing lots of interviews! Before last week, I’d never done a live on-air radio interview and now I’ve done two! Plus, some non-live interviews. It’s been a lot of fun!

I’ve been so appreciative of how radio stations have really showed up to support Midwest Shreds. Here are a few of recent audio interviews I’ve done:

Give them a listen while you’re doing dishes and laundry, and let me know what you think! :)

My SECOND book!!

My SECOND book!!

Come to my book launch!!

Come to my book launch!!