Two Books I Edited Are Out Now!

Two Books I Edited Are Out Now!

[image description: a mug on top of a stack of books with some dried baby’s breath flowers in the foreground.]

When you read a lot of books, it’s hard not to wonder how they come to life. That’s part of why I love editing aspiring authors’ manuscripts. It’s not just the before and after of the manuscript itself that’s so rewarding to see, but also the before and after of the writers themselves.

Writing a book and bringing that long-held dream to life changes you. You walk a little taller. You learn things about yourself that have been there the whole time but you hadn’t fully considered. You gain clarity and confidence. You finally get to say I wrote a book. You get to cross that item off your bucket list and feel good knowing you made it happen.

I’m thrilled to announce that two of my aspiring author editing clients are aspiring no more. Their books are officially out in the world!

First up: Bloom: How to Get from Good Enough to a Life You Love by Kimberley Carter Spivey.



It is possible to live a purposeful life and pursue your passions. Think about the life you want to have and who you want to be. Those desires and dreams that keep you up at night—both the audacious ones that scare you and the adventurous ones you want to experience. Think about the longing that you feel to want more out of life, the pull towards what seems impossible, and the truth you know in your heart: that you want to be successful. Any of this sound familiar? Maybe you're afraid if you say your deepest dreams out loud, others will hear you and judge you or criticize you. That's why we need to talk. It's just you, me, and your thoughts. I'll never judge you because I want to help you. What if you could learn to shut out the voices of dissent, dream bigger, work harder, and focus more on what you want out of life? What if you gave yourself another chance? I want to help you do that. It's why I wrote Bloom and why you need to read it. Using real-life examples, common-sense insights, humor, and Scripture, we'll work through your biggest challenges to set you up for the life you want.



Is this all there is? Isn't there more to life?

You've asked yourself those questions often, perhaps every day. And it feels like no matter how many times you have this conversation with yourself, it goes in circles. The answers you seek seem impossible to find. 

You're ready for change. You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. You're done letting anxiety and stress dictate your life. You're ready to be the happiest, most enlightened version of yourself––and you're ready to do the work to make it happen. 

Don Milton has been where you are and has come out on the other side. A seeker of Truth whose life has taken an unconventional path, he was raised in a conservative family and was steeped in religious tradition for nearly two decades before considering that there might be another way––a way more aligned with his truest self and deepest values. After his own spiritual awakening in 1992, he dedicated his life to teaching others the truths he discovered on his journey. 

He's worked with hundreds of clients teaching emotional freedom, meditation, constructive journaling, and other modalities that heal the mind, connect the heart, and restore the soul. Everything you've dreamed of––inner peace, abundant love, and blissful joy––can be yours, regardless of the external circumstances you're facing. 

There is more to life. Let Don's wisdom in this book guide you toward this most precious goal. 


Both books are fantastic and I’m not just saying that because I edited them. Grab a copy and see for yourself!

And if you have a manuscript you need to be edited, I’m your gal. Email me at helloAToffthebeatenshelfDOTcom.

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