Source: unsplash
Happy #ThursdayWordDay, word nerds!
I've had the joy of being able to read a lot for pleasure lately (thanks to deadlines for ARCs, (but I'm not complaining because I'm lucky to get them!) and as a result, I've been picking on up quite a few vocabulary words that I either hadn't heard of before or just never thought to use.
Today's word is copacetic. says: "copacetic: adjective. 1) fine; completely satisfactory; okay."
So next time someone asks how you've been, throw them off by answering "Copacetic. And you?" I mean, I'm cool with being awkward, so that's actually something I plan to do. Maybe.
Got a favorite vocab word that I should feature in a future post? Tell me in the comments below! And join the #ThursdayWordDay fun on Twitter.