From left to right: Cara (Alice's roommate), Alice (who's living her life according to classic literature), and Andrew (Alice's love interest). Photo by Aaron Matthew Kaiser for the Classic Alice web series.
Hey, you! When I'm not burying my face in a book, I do occasionally watch things. Naturally, my favorite things to watch are things that have books in them, so is it any wonder why I love Classic Alice?! I mean, Alice lives her life according to classic literature and shenanigans ensue. What could possibly go wrong?
You might remember me introducing you to Classic Alice back in January when they were doing a fundraising campaign for the next season. Well, guess what! Thanks to your help, they raised lots of money and are BACK.
If you're not up-to-date on Alice's latest, that's okay because you can binge watch till your heart's aflutter with books and all of Alice and Andrew's adorableness. The first new episode airs on Tuesday, June 9th, so by the time you're reading this, it'll already be out and you can talk to me about it on Twitter (@fixedbaroque, yo!) because I'll have seen it.