Video: Live Performance of "Hellman's and the Hell Child"
Photo by Whitney Smith
It always surprises people when they discover that I love love LOVE doing live storytelling events. Even though I'm an introvert, I feel like a totally different person on stage. I've heard celebrities talk about their "onstage personas" and I totally get it because I have one too––Stage Mandy is extroverted, confident, and totally hilarious.
I performed a brand new humor piece I wrote for the Story Club Columbus May 2017 show. Story Club is kind of like The Moth: it's true stories told live.
"Hellman's and the Hell Child" is about neurotic kids on ferris wheels, epic amounts of mayonnaise, and why I'm never ever having children (but will be a badass aunt).
Got any crazy kid stories? Share them in the comments! And follow me on social to find out about upcoming performances.