Live Storytelling Video: "Revenge of the Prepositions"
[image description: a blurred background photo of a table with food and beverages. This is overlayed with info about the Story Club Columbus December show. It was December 5th at Rambling House in Columbus, Ohio.]
Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to be a successful writer without also being a compelling public speaker and captivating an audience with the story. For the past year, this is something I've been working hard at, not just because I want to be the best writer I can be, but also because I LOVE being on stage.
The stage allows me to flex my humor muscles in a way I haven't quite figured out on the page yet. This past Tuesday, I performed a new story I wrote called "Revenge of the Prepositions" at Story Club Columbus, which is a live storytelling show kind of like The Moth.
Check it out!
What surprised me was that after the show, several people came up to me to tell the strange things their English teachers made them do. One woman said she also had an English teacher who made her memorize prepositions. And one man said that not only did he have to memorize the prepositions, his teacher made him write them down and carry the paper with him at all times because he was expected to produce it on command around the school, like in the hall, as well as around town, such as in the grocery store. And if you were asked to produce your preposition list and didn't have it, you'd be forced to wear a sandwich board all day at school that said: "I forgot my preposition list."