Hot Off the Shelf: They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us by Hanif Abdurraqib
[image description: book cover of They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us. A wolf in a red tracksuit jacket wearing a gold necklace. This is on a blue background with the book title at the top]
Every year I do a "best of" list for the best books I read that year. Although my official 2017 list will go up next week, this post is a sneak peek of one of the top 5 books on my list.
When I read They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, I knew months before it came out that this book was going to be BIG.
Hanif's essays live at the intersection of music, race, and class. He blends the personal, the political, and the musical in beautiful ways. This was one of those books I never wanted to end.
I loved They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us so much that I wrote up a book review and did an interview with Hanif over at PANK Magazine. Check it out! I hope you'll enjoy the book as much as I did. I truly can't recommend it highly enough.
And you know how I'm always saying that if you like my book reviews at the magazines I write for you should share them? Well, thank you for doing that! I'm excited to announce my editor recently offered me an official column! I can't wait to share more about it in the new year. Needless to say, it's going to have a punny literary title (that I bet a lot of reviewers are going to wish they'd thought of first). :)
Get some reading done this holiday season, loves. You deserve it. xoxo