Source: unsplash
Happy #ThursdayWordDay, word nerds!
You're going to like this word. I know because if you're reading this right now---and you are (thank you!)---today's word describes you.
Librocubicularist: noun. a person who reads in bed.
For me, it's such a habit that I can't fall asleep without being a librocubicularist first. I know Angie Bell of the Carry Me Home blog agrees---she's the one who introduced me to the word. Carry Me Home is all about Birmingham, family, and life in the South.
And if you're wondering how the hell you're supposed to pronounce a word like librocubicularist, here you go.
Got a favorite funky vocab word? Share it in the comments below, along with a link to your blog, and I'll give you a shout on a future #ThursdayWordDay post.